(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global.stickybits = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
> a lightweight alternative to `position: sticky` polyfills 🍬
- each method is documented above it our view the readme
- Stickybits does not manage polymorphic functionality (position like properties)
* polymorphic functionality: (in the context of describing Stickybits)
means making things like `position: sticky` be loosely supported with position fixed.
It also means that features like `useStickyClasses` takes on styles like `position: fixed`.
defaults 🔌
- version = `package.json` version
- userAgent = viewer browser agent
- target = DOM element selector
- noStyles = boolean
- offset = number
- parentClass = 'string'
- scrollEl = window || DOM element selector
- stickyClass = 'string'
- stuckClass = 'string'
- useStickyClasses = boolean
- verticalPosition = 'string'
- p = props {object}
instance note
- stickybits parent methods return this
- stickybits instance methods return an instance item
- target => el => e
- props => o || p
- instance => item => it
- .definePosition = defines sticky or fixed
- .addInstance = an array of objects for each Stickybits Target
- .getClosestParent = gets the parent for non-window scroll
- .computeScrollOffsets = computes scroll position
- .toggleClasses = older browser toggler
- .manageState = manages sticky state
- .removeClass = older browser support class remover
- .removeInstance = removes an instance
- .cleanup = removes all Stickybits instances and cleans up dom from stickybits
function Stickybits(target, obj) {
var o = typeof obj !== 'undefined' ? obj : {};
this.version = '2.0.13';
this.userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent || 'no `userAgent` provided by the browser';
this.props = {
noStyles: o.noStyles || false,
stickyBitStickyOffset: o.stickyBitStickyOffset || 0,
parentClass: o.parentClass || 'js-stickybit-parent',
scrollEl: o.scrollEl || window,
stickyClass: o.stickyClass || 'js-is-sticky',
stuckClass: o.stuckClass || 'js-is-stuck',
useStickyClasses: o.useStickyClasses || false,
verticalPosition: o.verticalPosition || 'top'
var p = this.props;
define positionVal
- uses a computed (`.definePosition()`)
- defined the position
p.positionVal = this.definePosition() || 'fixed';
var vp = p.verticalPosition;
var ns = p.noStyles;
var pv = p.positionVal;
this.els = typeof target === 'string' ? document.querySelectorAll(target) : target;
if (!('length' in this.els)) this.els = [this.els];
this.instances = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.els.length; i += 1) {
var el = this.els[i];
var styles = el.style;
if (vp === 'top' && !ns) styles[vp] = p.stickyBitStickyOffset + 'px';
if (pv !== 'fixed' && p.useStickyClasses === false) {
styles.position = pv;
} else {
// const stickyManager = new ManageSticky(el, p)
if (pv !== 'fixed') styles.position = pv;
var instance = this.addInstance(el, p);
// instances are an array of objects
return this;
setStickyPosition ✔️
— most basic thing stickybits does
=> checks to see if position sticky is supported
=> defined the position to be used
=> stickybits works accordingly
Stickybits.prototype.definePosition = function () {
var prefix = ['', '-o-', '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-'];
var test = document.head.style;
for (var i = 0; i < prefix.length; i += 1) {
test.position = prefix[i] + 'sticky';
var stickyProp = 'fixed';
if (typeof test.position !== 'undefined') stickyProp = test.position;
test.position = '';
return stickyProp;
addInstance ✔️
— manages instances of items
- takes in an el and props
- returns an item object
- target = el
- o = {object} = props
- scrollEl = 'string'
- verticalPosition = number
- off = boolean
- parentClass = 'string'
- stickyClass = 'string'
- stuckClass = 'string'
- defined later
- parent = dom element
- state = 'string'
- offset = number
- stickyStart = number
- stickyStop = number
- returns an instance object
Stickybits.prototype.addInstance = function addInstance(el, props) {
var _this = this;
var item = {
el: el,
parent: el.parentNode,
props: props
var p = item.props;
item.parent.className += ' ' + props.parentClass;
var se = p.scrollEl;
item.isWin = se === window;
if (!item.isWin) se = this.getClosestParent(item.el, se);
item.state = 'default';
item.stateContainer = function () {
se.addEventListener('scroll', item.stateContainer);
return item;
getParent 👨
- a helper function that gets the target element's parent selected el
- only used for non `window` scroll elements
- supports older browsers
Stickybits.prototype.getClosestParent = function getClosestParent(el, matchSelector) {
// p = parent element
var p = document.querySelector(matchSelector);
var e = el;
if (e.parentElement === p) return p;
// traverse up the dom tree until we get to the parent
while (e.parentElement !== p) {
e = e.parentElement;
} // return parent element
return p;
computeScrollOffsets 📊
computeScrollOffsets for Stickybits
- defines
- offset
- start
- stop
Stickybits.prototype.computeScrollOffsets = function computeScrollOffsets(item) {
var it = item;
var p = it.props;
var parent = it.parent;
var iw = it.isWin;
var scrollElOffset = 0;
var stickyStart = parent.getBoundingClientRect().top;
if (!iw && p.positionVal === 'fixed') {
scrollElOffset = p.scrollEl.getBoundingClientRect().top;
stickyStart = parent.getBoundingClientRect().top - scrollElOffset;
it.offset = scrollElOffset + p.stickyBitStickyOffset;
it.stickyStart = stickyStart - it.offset;
it.stickyStop = stickyStart + parent.offsetHeight - (it.el.offsetHeight + it.offset);
return it;
toggleClasses ⚖️
toggles classes (for older browser support)
r = removed class
a = added class
Stickybits.prototype.toggleClasses = function toggleClasses(el, r, a) {
var e = el;
var cArray = e.className.split(' ');
if (a && cArray.indexOf(a) === -1) cArray.push(a);
var rItem = cArray.indexOf(r);
if (rItem !== -1) cArray.splice(rItem, 1);
e.className = cArray.join(' ');
manageState 📝
- defines the state
- normal
- sticky
- stuck
Stickybits.prototype.manageState = function manageState(item) {
// cache object
var it = item;
var e = it.el;
var p = it.props;
var state = it.state;
var start = it.stickyStart;
var stop = it.stickyStop;
var stl = e.style;
// cache props
var ns = p.noStyles;
var pv = p.positionVal;
var se = p.scrollEl;
var sticky = p.stickyClass;
var stuck = p.stuckClass;
var vp = p.verticalPosition;
- use rAF
- or stub rAF
var rAF = se.requestAnimationFrame;
if (!it.isWin || typeof rAF === 'undefined') {
rAF = function rAFDummy(f) {
define scroll vars
- scroll
- notSticky
- isSticky
- isStuck
var tC = this.toggleClasses;
var scroll = it.isWin ? se.scrollY || se.pageYOffset : se.scrollTop;
var notSticky = scroll > start && scroll < stop && (state === 'default' || state === 'stuck');
var isSticky = scroll <= start && state === 'sticky';
var isStuck = scroll >= stop && state === 'sticky';
Unnamed arrow functions within this block
- help wanted or discussion
- view test.stickybits.js
- `stickybits .manageState `position: fixed` interface` for more awareness 👀
if (notSticky) {
it.state = 'sticky';
rAF(function () {
tC(e, stuck, sticky);
stl.position = pv;
if (ns) return;
stl.bottom = '';
stl[vp] = p.stickyBitStickyOffset + 'px';
} else if (isSticky) {
it.state = 'default';
rAF(function () {
tC(e, sticky);
if (pv === 'fixed') stl.position = '';
} else if (isStuck) {
it.state = 'stuck';
rAF(function () {
tC(e, sticky, stuck);
if (pv !== 'fixed' || ns) return;
stl.top = '';
stl.bottom = '0';
stl.position = 'absolute';
return it;
removes an instance 👋
- cleanup instance
Stickybits.prototype.removeInstance = function removeInstance(instance) {
var e = instance.el;
var p = instance.props;
var tC = this.toggleClasses;
e.style.position = '';
e.style[p.verticalPosition] = '';
tC(e, p.stickyClass);
tC(e, p.stuckClass);
tC(e.parentNode, p.parentClass);
cleanup 🛁
- cleans up each instance
- clears instance
Stickybits.prototype.cleanup = function cleanup() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.instances.length; i += 1) {
var instance = this.instances[i];
instance.props.scrollEl.removeEventListener('scroll', instance.stateContainer);
this.manageState = false;
this.instances = [];
exports StickBits to be used 🏁
function stickybits(target, o) {
return new Stickybits(target, o);
return stickybits;
var stickybit = stickybits('#aside', {useStickyClasses: true, scrollEl: '#main'});